Have you accepted Jesus? Do it NOW before it's too late:
Repent of your sins "Lord I admit I'm a sinner"
Ask Jesus to forgive you and give Him your heart "Lord please forgive me. I give you my heart. Please be my Lord and Savior"
Thank Him for saving you "Lord I thank you for saving me. I am now a child of God"
Come, follow Jesus
Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!
This site is here to proclaim the message of the Kingdom of God, and preach Christ to all the world.
Watch "Preaching Jesus on Cleveland ave" on YouTube:
Join our Zoom meeting!
Every Saturday starting at 7:30 p est
https://us04web.zoom.us/j/7945295810?pwd=SE45V1hnNnNRcE1uVVE5a25IMFdTZz09 koi hi hi L kip
Password: 4NDLMe
In case you missed it, here are the latest recordings:
Watch "Ways of the Kingdom of God" on YouTube
Watch "The way into to Kingdom of God part 1" on YouTube
Watch "The way into the Kingdom of God part 2" on YouTube
Watch "The way into the Kingdom of God part 3" on YouTube
Watch "Way of the Kingdom of God-establishing a relationship with Jesus" on YouTube
Watch "How to come into God's presence" on YouTube
Watch "Working out our own salvation" part 1: on YouTube
Watch "Working out own salvation" part 2: on YouTube
Watch "Working out your own salvation" part 3: on YouTube
Watch "Working out our own salvation" part 4: on YouTube
Watch "Working out our own salvation part 5" on YouTube
Watch "Laboring in the harvest" on YouTube
Watch "Continue to push forward in the faith" on YouTube
Watch "Contending for the faith" on YouTube
Watch "Let God direct us part 1" on YouTube
Watch "Let God direct us part 2" on YouTube
​Watch "worship and light" on YouTube
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